Wednesday, June 30, 2010

What a week!!

What an incredible week!! It is/has/and will continue to be BUSY!!! A lot going on!
Bailey and Grif got back from a week of youth camp!! They had a blast!! Donna and I had a great time as well, but were missing our babies badly!! I'm glad to have them home!!
The campaign is going amazingly well, and I am so proud to be working for Shep's campaign!! He is a man of integrity that will represent us well under the Gold Dome. I am proud to be working for him, but more proud to cast my vote for him!!
Shep could not have done a better job in the debate!! He rocked it!!
Our big fund raiser is tonight, then door to door tomorrow and then 4th of July events on Saturday!!
I am looking forward to vacation on the 11th of July!!!!!!!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Lots of Stuff

I'm sorry it has been so long since I've updated, but... been a little busy!
Work is going well, campaign is going great, workouts still great, on medication, off cigarettes!! etc.
We shipped the kids off to church camp for the week and are having a blast so far. (They are having a blast too!!) We had a dinner cruise with the Hodorff's on Monday night!! Chinese, the lake, a beautiful sunset!! A perfect night with my baby!
Last night we went door to door campaigning with some great friends. It was a blast!! A little on the warm and humid side, but still a wonderful reception for the best candidate!! Good stuff!!