Thursday, October 28, 2010


Long time no post!
It has been a wonderful fall so far!!
Bailey's softball is now over and Grif's basketball season is about to crank up! This past weekend was BUSY, but the weekend before that was just restful and wonderful!

Two weekends ago, Jon H. got a blow up movie screen for his back yard and it was a PERFECT fall Saturday in the south!! We sat out back and watched football, ate, and enjoyed each other from Noon until 10 pm!! All day outside!! Wonderful! Grif drove a four wheeler by himself for the first time and had a blast! We had so much fun we decided to watch the Sunday night game by a bonfire with the movie screen showing the Colts and the Redskins!! absolutely perfect!

Then this past weekend was the exact opposite!!
Friday night Bailey's softball banquest.
Saturday was my 20th class reunion.

And Sunday was church with Team Impact!! This is a great group of guys and Shawn really made Grif feel like a MVP!! We went out to eat with the Hodorff's and Shawn and Chip from Team Impact on Thursday night and Shawn fielded 100 questions from Grif!! He was great and Grif thinks the world of Shawn!! So Shawn invited Grif to the church early on Sunday night to eat with the guys before the service and to "help" set up the stage!! Grif just knew he was big time!!

Grif helping set up under the watchful eye of Shawn!!

Grif eating with Shawn and Cesar before setting up the stage!

Dancing with the HOTTEST woman ever!!

Great times!! I love fall!! Just great events seem to happen this time of year!!

Anyway, now to the molding!! If you have a chance to say a prayer for me today, I would appreciate it!! My wonderful son has become "curious" about the opposite sex and has chosen to view some inappropriate things on the internet!! The internet is a wonderful tool, but there is also some evil stuff out there! Anyway, I get to do the not so fun part of parenting when I get home from work! I want to do this correctly, so that he doesn't have "issues" with sex (which is a BEAUTIFUL thing!!!!!!!) later in life, but I also want to do sternly enough that I teach him A LOT about respect for women and the appropriateness of curiousity!! Praying that God gives me the perfect balance for this discussion!! Need WISDOM! I love being a parent, but this part stinks!! I wonder if that's the way God feels about disciplining us!! It's got to be done, but I'd rather being playing ball with him in the front yard!! LOL


Monday, October 4, 2010

...with heart abandoned...

The vocal team class last night went well past the hour we expected!! But that was OK!! It turned into something different than we planned. It ended up being 2 and half hours of prayer. Praying for each other, our church, our community, laying hands on each other and lifting each other up. It was DEFINATELY something we have been missing and needing as a group. It was tough to be in that room for me though. Although I needed it, I've been running from or fighting God on prayer for a while. I don't know what I feel about praying and that is a painful spot to be in.
I want so badly to believe and pray for big things. But when I have, nothing seems to change. And if God isn't moved by my faith to pray for "big" things, then why would He be moved by my prayer for "small" things, or anything. It has been a tough 6 or 8 months in that regard. Our life is pretty smooth right now, except for this battle inside me. We (my family) are running pretty smoothly, but prayer is something God has called me to do more of. I've been doing less. It hurts to step out on something and VIEW no results. BUT, I'm tired of wrestling.
So... I stand, with arms high and heart abandoned, in awe, of the one who gave it all.
And I pray.