Tuesday, December 27, 2011

CHRISTmas 2011

Anything hotter than a woman firing a pistol??

Well, what a Christmas!! We had a blast, ate too much, and opened too many presents! It was absolutely perfect! We are blessed!
Grif, Donna and I went out to the firing range for a couple of hours yesterday and shot my new pistol! Very smooth shooting gun! I. Love. It.!!! Donna did incredible with that gift!
Grif got a new bike and a BB pistol that he has almost already worn out! LOL. Bailey got so many clothes and just dance 3! (That I will NEVER play!!)
It was a most memorable Christmas!
God is good!

Friday, December 23, 2011

Merry Christmas!!

It has truly been a busy season!! It always is. We have been going here to there. Exacerbated by my 86 year old neighbor being in the hospital for a while and now being moved to a nursing home. I don't know if he will be my neighbor again! Sad, sad situation.
Griffin and Bailey both had a B in classes for the first half of school that they have brought up, so hopefully straight A's for both by the end of the school year! Grif is playing basketball and having a blast. It is his first year in "rec" ball instead of Trinity so the competition is a lot higher.
Janet and Henry are on their way from Cleveland for CHRISTmas and I can't wait to see Hank and meet the new baby (Guyton).
January 3 will be the day I am sworn in to the Euharlee City Council. I am very excited. The very first night I will be voting on a 1.4 million dollar budget! Welcome to politics, right?
I already know what Donna is getting me for CHRISTmas and my 40th birthday (combo gift!!) and I am as excited as I have ever been about a gift!
That pretty much sums it up for now.....
Work outs are still going well, etc....
Merry CHRISTmas to all!!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Don't you LOVE December?

Way too many things going on to touch on them all!!
Donna and I left Thursday night after the Cville Christmas parade for a long weekend to celebrate our 18th wedding anniversary! We had an amazing time in Birmingham Christmas shopping and just being together away from the normal daily routine! We got to ride down Friday morning to Tuscaloosa, to watch her high school play for and WIN the State Championship in 4a Alabama football at Bryant-Denny stadium. Pretty cool!
We spent the rest of the weekend shopping and well, that's all I can talk about.....
I am the luckiest guy in all the world! Donna is an incredible wife, mother, teacher, friend..... and I loved getting to spend that time celebrating with her!!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


I won!! God is good! The people of Euharlee gave me the most votes in the election and I am amazed! I can't wait to get started. There is a lot to do!

We had a great day of waving and sign holding at the precinct. A lot of folks stopped and talked to us. Lorraine sat with me for most of the day and then Donna came up there after work. I got to talk to Councilman Eubanks and Councilman Worthington a lot over the course of the day as well! It was just a blast! Of course, if you know me, you already know how much I love campaigning! It was a great campaign and a great way to culminate it!

At 7 pm, we all removed our signs, and went up to the front door of city hall with 15 or so people who wanted to know the results! When the city manager taped the slips of paper from the voting machines to the front door, a few people went up there, but I stayed back. I heard someone congratulate Councilman Worthington and then I heard someone mention my name!!! I was excited. Donna and I walked up there and she tallied the three totals from the three voting machines and I had gotten the most votes! Overwhelmed is an understatement! We left and went over to Elizabeth Street to see the vote certified and look at the absentee results, and when all was said and done, I had 206 votes of the 338 people that voted! Right at 61%!! Donna and I were pumped and went out to dinner to celebrate!! It was an amazing night that I doubt I will ever forget!!


Monday, November 7, 2011

What a blast!!

The campaigning is over and now all that is left to do is set up the poll tonight with signs and stand out in front of the polls on Tuesday! Voting day is almost here and I am excited. After last year, I have no confidence in how everything will turn out, but I am hopeful! I am thankful for all the people that have supported me! It is truly humbling!
There is something so cool about knocking on doors to introduce yourself and discuss issues relevant to your community with people. The things you find, while knocking on doors could be made into a book! Some people don't want to be bothered, which is understandable! But, when you knock on a door and the person that answers it has a genuine love for the community and wants to ask you questions and give feedback, it becomes well worth the effort! I know a lot of people running for office, don't do that anymore and rely on signs and ads, but I think that type of conversations and involvement is sorely needed in our communities today!
Anyway, thank you to my neighbors in Euharlee that have allowed me in your homes to talk about our city! I will do my best if elected, and that, is my one and only campaign promise!
More frequent posts after the busyness of a campaign is over!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Fall happenings

Hurricane Irene brought much needed rain to Georgia and with it ushered in some lower fall-like temperatures! I love it! I love all the seasons, which is one of the reasons I love living in GA! We get a full dose of all 4 seasons! My favorite seems to be the change though! The week or two between the seasons that you get the hint of whats to come, while still enjoying the last little bit of the former! That is where we find ourselves in GA right now. Crispness in the AM like fall, with warm afternoons like summer! It makes me happy! God knew what he was doing, didn't he?
School is in full swing and the kids are doing good, not great yet, but it is coming! Bailey's softball schedule is winding down, and while she hasn't gotten all the playing time she would like, or any mound time, she is getting to see what it takes to play at a varsity high school level! I hope that inspires her to work hard during travel ball season! Grif's start at football hasn't been a bang either. He is afraid of the contact right now! I think he will get over that and I think he will start to love football, but the jury is still out??!?!? Both kids have a class that they are struggling with as of now, but like I said, that will change!
Donna's classes seem to be going well, and B12 shots will hopefully help with energy levels. I would love to tell you that we are all up in a romantic season in our lives, but I would be lying. The daily grind tends to get in the way of that along with nightly trips to some ball field, we rarely even eat at the same time. I am hoping that to some degree, the daily grind, will hold some romance! Maybe, the daily struggles fought through together add a lot to a marriage!
**Big Announcement**
I am running for Euharlee City Council!!
I qualified last week, and am looking forward to meeting people that I have yet to meet and working on the city council. I have always loved politics, and would love an opportunity to be part of lasting solutions for our rapidly growing city! I ought to be fun! I covet your prayers and support!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Jacob Hawkins is the bomb!

I forgot to add this with my other post today, so you get 2 postings from me today!! A couple of weeks ago a young man that you may know, Jacob Hawkins, brought his new boss through Cartersville for a few hours to speak to the rotary club. He took Newt Gingrich to the Booth Western Art Museum in Cville and the Speaker was very impressed with our little town! So much so, that according to Jacob, they are going to try to plan another visit to see the Tellus Museum.

While they were through here, Jacob introduced me and I got a picture made with Mr Gingrich and got my book signed! It was a very cool day for me, and even more so for Jacob!

Congrats to Jacob! He is a very smart young man that I am proud to know!

And good luck Mr. Speaker at your debate tonight! Knock em dead!


In the fall routine

Temperatures are still summer-like, but we are into our fall routine now. School has been back in for a week! Bailey is learning how to study and finding that high school honors classes are going to be tough for an athlete! She made the JV softball team and their first games are next week.
Grif's "senior" year of elementary school has started well. I haven't had to referee a single disagreement between he and his math teacher, yet. Donna says he is doing well calling her Mrs. Guyton and such.
My workouts are back to normal now! Thank goodness! I gained too much weight over the summer, and am ready to get back down below 200! We'll see how long that takes. Work has been good for back to school and now I am hoping we stay steady for the rest of the fall!
Back to the grind....

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

"Summer" is almost over

There are MANY more HOT days left in Georgia before the gentle temps of football and hunting season roll in! But, for families that have teachers, summer is almost over. Donna and the kids start back to school next week! Obviously, we will steal a few moments in the sun to swim or tennis or something!
Last year we had an opportunity to sneak away with some friends for a trip at the real end of summer and I might just have to make that happen again!

Grif and I took my dad to a Rome Braves game for Father's Day and of course Grif got another ball!!

Donna and I walking on the beach hand in hand and below is in front of Boss Oyster!

This is everyone on vacation in our house at Sunset Beach on St George Island.

Fun times!

I'm in the middle of trying to get a part time position at Budweiser. I'm trying to decide whether or not to run for Euharlee City Council. I'm helping put together a marriage conference at church. (I put this list up, so if your prayer list isn't long enough you can choose one of those to pray for!)


Thursday, June 30, 2011

Summer relaxation?

Yeah right! Summertime when I was a kid was sooooo relaxing. You literally wake up eat and leave the house to play until someone called you for dinner. Then you would go back out and play until the street lights came on. Go in, go to bed a wake up the next day to do it over again! I also got to work in the garden with my granddaddy in the mornings before he left for his 2nd shift job with G.E. (of course, the occasional playing hookie from the garden to wet a hook somewhere was mandatory!!) But, as an adult, summer is definitely NOT that relaxing!
After working all day, I find myself at a ball field, or church, or yard work calling, or or or or ..... There is something always calling my name. Not to mention with work VERY slow at the office, I find myself probably more stressed than I have ever been. Scary times in our economy today! Anyway, I am looking forward to a vacation with my family more than I can ever remember! Looking forward to a long 4th of July weekend. Looking forward to family time, with no ball field, or yard work, or office work, or even church work, just time with my family surveying the vastness and beauty that God created for us, that I rarely take enough time to breathe in!
Also, coming soon....I will be doing a book review on "Billy Graham in Quotes". A book by Franklin Graham, that I got for free from booksneeze.com. If you join booksneeze, they send you books in return for your review. Kind of interesting, so I am giving it a try.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Good reports and rest

The heart cath went well and the blockage I have is not from new plaque but rather from the stints the doctor put in 2 and a half years ago that are pinching a "small and insignificant" vessel. (Didn't know any of my blood supply lines were insignificant) Cardiologist recommended not doing anything as it has been there this whole time and has not (and should not) cause any problems, so that is the route we went. He said not to stop anything I have been doing and to forget about it. So, it is forgotten.
The rest afterward for a few days was most welcome! The whole weekend was beautiful. Pretty weather on Memorial Day weekend should be a law! It was gorgeous, so we got a little pool time, ball time, cookout time, outdoor neighborhood party time, etc. I would say almost perfect (except for Donna every two minutes telling me to be careful with my arm! Ha! I guess that is her job!)
Bailey's softball team came in 2nd in their Tourney on Saturday! I was so proud of all the girls!!
I hope everyone had a great Memorial Day weekend!
Thank you for praying for me and this surgery! God answered!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Nervous, but not scared!

It's funny the things we remember from our childhood years. I was around 12 or 13 when my sister (who was 6 or 7....I don't know maybe 8 (she was young)) woke up on a school day with a stomach ache. Mom took me on to school and then took Janet to the doctor. A whirlwind few hours later they are at the hospital because my sister's appendix was very close to rupturing. Anyway, just before they wheel her back for surgery, my sister (who has always been mature) looked up at my mom and said, "mom, I'm nervous, but I'm not scared." ....from the mouth of babes, huh?
Well, that statement from a young 6ish year old pretty much describes where I am at, I guess. Certain surgeries are common place now. Simple stuff. BUT, come with inherit risks and dangers none-the-less. I'm pretty nervous, but I'm not scared. God is in control, therefore, I don't have to be. I've gone back and looked at a list of goals I made for myself after the heart attack 1/9/09, and there is still some meat left on that bone. So, I will renew my efforts to get all of those fulfilled after this heart surgery, and make it happen.
I recall one of the cardiologists I saw after the H.A. saying, you have a much higher chance to have a second heart attack than someone else has of having their first heart attack, and the MAIN reason is that people will eventually forget the pain and go back to the things they did before that caused the problems. Well, after looking at my goals, I can safely say (although sadly) that I would have to put myself in that category. I reckon I'm a slow learner. I will have to add some accountability measures with a friend or two along with my goals.
Anyway, pray for me tomorrow. Donna's facebook will probably tell you everything you need to know and then some. LOL.
Also, pray for Lisa Lovett who is in surgery to repair two ruptured vertabrae today.
She took Tuesday's surgery, I'm taking Wednesday's surgery, any of our friends want to volunteer for a Thursday surgery to keep the streak going? anyone? Bueller?

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Cardiologists can kiss my

Great things going on for the home team!!
Bailey: test scores were GREAT, her softball is going GREAT, getting better at pitching every week, getting ready to go to high school (threw up in my mouth a little), chorus went AMAZING, etc....
Griffin: test scores were GREAT, baseball is going GREAT, getting ready to be a fifth grader!!, did very well at Science Olypiad, etc...
Donna: Her test scores were great and higher than she expected!!, end of the year is just days away, and tanning is just around the corner, etc...
All of these great things going on in the house and we should be dancing around and partying!! But, someone has to throw a damper on the fire, and I guess I drew the short straw!
During a routine follow-up stress test, the cardiologist found another blockage. Good news: We didn't find out through the intense pain and pressure of a heart attack this time!
Bad news: Next Wednesday the 25th they will be doing another heart cath on me. Should be routine and fairly quick. That is what I am praying for anyway!
I hope you will pray for me as well!
Donna and the kids are scared. I am frustrated and pissed. For 2 and 1/2 years I have been working out hard, eating better, etc. to make sure that this NEVER happened again, and I barely got passed the 2nd anniversary before we get to do it all over.
It is in God's hands now (where, of course it rested all along) and we trust that he has a plan for me and this situation.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

About time

Donna reminded me last night that I haven't posted in a while! Well, I guess I haven't had time. We've been busy and when we have had a minute of not busy, I've been busy thinking and planning.
Typical Week right now:
Sunday: Church, chilling and contemplating
Monday: Work, then straight to Bailey's pitching lessons, home for dinner and bed
Tuesday: Work, then to Bailey's practice, home for dinner and bed
Wednesday: Work, church and choir practice, bed
Thursday: Work, then me to Baileys practice, Donna to Grif's practice then meet back at home for dinner and bed
Friday: Work then Grif's game then bed.
Saturday: Bailey tourney or Craig Tourney and Grif's game.
Somewhere in there we have to make time to cut grass, get nails did (Donna) etc.......
Busy lives, I guess.
Work is going a little better. We are moving on May 2nd, but not to downtown Atlanta!! Thank God!
Having fun during all the busy though!
Donna said last night,"I'm glad you are doing what you are supposed to be doing...coaching".
Me: "But I like playing"
Her: "But now your old!"
I don't think she meant it like that, but still!!!!!
Anyway, we are having a blast helping coach and watching our children play ball! Thinking on things, planning futures (as good as we can), etc

Friday, March 18, 2011

Parenting Stinks

Sometimes parenting just stinks! A lot of reasons could fall under that category including but not limited to discipline. But, what I am currently writing about is when both kids have events going on at the same time! Last night was one of those times!

Grif had his first baseball practice that I desperately wanted to be at! Bailey had a chorus concert with a SOLO that I desperately wanted to be at as well. I guess it is a blessing to have kids that are good at so many things, with good grades to boot, but it makes for some trade-offs occasionally! Donna and I really had a no brainer though. With Bailey having a solo, there was no way either one of us would have been happy watching it on video, so Mimi drew the short straw and took Grif to practice, so Donna nor I would miss Bailey's solo. (If you don't have a Mimi, I highly recommend getting one!)

Bailey did a phenomenal job, and if you are over to the house and remind me of it, you can watch the video like Mimi had to! Grif had a great first practice as well, so all is right with the Guyton house!

It is going to be a beautiful weekend and I am going to eat AT LEAST one meal outdoors!



Monday, March 14, 2011

Glad to be at work to rest!

I'm sitting in my office to type this blog up with some very sore muscles reminding me of just how fun the weekend was! We had a blast! Some family time all together and some time doing separate things because of the calendar, but we all had some great times this weekend!
First of all, Friday night, when I got home from work, I was tired already! I didn't really feel like going out to dinner, but I didn't think I had the energy to cook anything either (and no one else in the house was rushing into the kitchen to get things going!!) Finally I rallied up the energy to cook, by remembering Andrea's latest blog about making home made biscuits. (I've always made biscuits using Bisquick, and they do fine.) I knew we were out of Bisquick, so I let my type A personality kick in and wasn't going to let my friend outdo me! We had breakfast. Eggs, bacon and home made (from scratch, the real deal) biscuits. They were great! I do have a little work to do on them, but I was impressed with myself!
Saturday morning we had to separate. Grif had science Olympiad, Bailey had softball practice and I had a softball tourney. My first game was at 8 am in Woodstock, so I had to leave the house around 6:30. When the day was finally over, Grif had a silver and a bronze medal from his two events, their team got overall first place in the region and qualified for State. Bailey got the beginnings of a sun burn and had a good practice, and they all met down in Woodstock to watch my team win first place in the tourney! Good day for the Guyton's.
We got home at 11:30. After a shower and moving the clock ahead a hour, it was already 1 am, church was going to be tough!
It was tough crawling out of bed already seriously sore, but I was happy by the time we hit the first note of worship! The music set was amazing and then Jonathan preached yesterday in Pastor's absence. He was great, but extremely challenging! As was bible study, as it always is. Shep asks questions that make you think! But better than that, provides you with scriptures, that force you to change, or at least be knowledgeable when you are outside of God's plan. Tough stuff.
Sunday afternoon we all worked in the yard. (Except Bailey who had another softball practice to finish off her sun burn!) I cleaned the gutters. Pruned some bushes. Got to pullout the chain saw and cut the top out of a dogwood tree we are trying to save. Then pruned some of my neighbors bushes. I cut my yard and my neighbor's yard as well, and got finished just in time to take a quick shower and head to Frank's house for the choir's GAP party. We had a good time getting know folks and eating too much.
I woke up this morning A LOT more sore than yesterday, and went to work out anyway. I ran for as long as I could and then rode the bike for another 15 minutes hard, trying to work the soreness out, but for right now at least, to no avail! I am hurting and glad to get back to work to rest a little!!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

We are moving to Savannah!

I am moving my family to Savannah Georgia. (Just as soon as I can scrape up the 4 or 5 million dollars necessary to buy the Mercer House)

Above: Lunch at the Boar's Head overlooking the river on a GORGEOUS spring day!

Below: Same restaurant, but Griffin was in a picture taking mood!

We had a blast in Savannah for Bailey's All-State Chorus concert. We left Thursday after I got off from work and got down there around 10:30pm. We tucked in the hotel for the night. We woke up Friday morning ready to go, but the weather was a little nasty. But, according to the weatherman it was going to blow over by noonish, so we headed out anyway. We (Donna, Grif, Mimi and I) drove passed where Amy lived. We drove out to Bonaventure Cemetery (gorgeous!!). Then we headed back to see if we could sneak in The Lady and Sons for lunch, but no such luck! We headed to River Street, and ate at a restaurant called Dockside. Great place, great food, and great company! Then we walked! Square after square, oh, after going into River street Sweets to watch them make taffy and buying some pralines, street after street.
The Mercer House does tours now, which it didn't when Donna and I were there last, but we didn't have the time to do it! The homes were just as beautiful as I remembered, and the weatherman was correct. The sun came out and there wasn't a cloud in the sky the rest of Friday or all day Saturday! We walked about 3 miles or so, unless you ask Lorraine who thinks we walked 10 miles!
Friday night we drove to some friends place in Statesboro. We had a Low Country Boil and a wonderful time! Grif was in hog heaven with acres to play on and a golf cart to drive too! Saturday we got up and went walking some more! Had lunch at the Boar's Head overlooking the River. Then we headed to Bailey's performance! Watching 250 kids that can sing is incredible! They did a great job and it was obvious that they were having a good time! We left immediately after the concert and headed back to Cville. We made good time, getting home at 9:30 Saturday night!
Sunday was another great day! Worship was amazing and I was lucky enough to get to lead out on I Will Rise! A great song that I love! Pastor continued his streak of messages that have been stinging a little, but he is doing a great job! Sunday School was horrible! More stinging!
Anyway, another great weekend for our family!

Caption for this picture?:
"If her hand gets any closer, we are going to be arrested in Savannah!"
The kids are signed up for spring sports. My tournament team is playing every weekend. I think the yard will end up being 2 feet tall sometime very soon! We have so much going on. The calendar is full! Praying that we are able to slow it down enough to enjoy all the gorgeous things around us and the ages our kids are at!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

War Tide! Great day to be a Alabama and Auburn fan!

On Jan 27th a caller identifying himself as "Al from Dadeville", called the Paul Finebaum radio show and told Mr Finebaum that over a month ago (the weekend after the iron bowl) he drove to Auburn and applied a chemical called Spike 80DF to the soil around the trees at Toomer's Corner. The trees are going to die. Period.

Now, I would love to tell you that I was shocked the moment that my lovely wife told me about the story last night. But...not so much. I could care less. "What if someone did that to The Hedges at UGA?", she asked, hoping I would then give the right response. Maybe I just had a rough day yesterday? I don't know. But, she is about to get the "right" response she was looking for. (She ain't gonna like it though...) I didn't get thoroughly disgusted until I heard the backwoods, inbred, country hick's voice that has "confessed" (really bragged) that he did this.
The audio can be heard here: http://www.finebaum.com/goout.asp?u=/Sectional.asp?id=38693

So, here is my response, as if you all cared:
The Iron Bowl is hereby, indefinitely, permanently, forever, CANCELLED. Yep, you heard me right. Of course, if we announce that, the collective gasp from the State of Alabama alone would require planting millions of extra trees to replace the oxygen. Anyway, it is cancelled. Why? I'm glad you asked.
You aren't man enough. You aren't women enough. You are immature brats when it comes to that one day of the year. But, as anyone who lives/ or has lived in Alabama (or married into one of the two cults) knows, the other 364 days a year, you have to talk about that game or the next one, depending if your team won or lost. There is a great big world out there that has a lot more than football!! But, "Al from Dadeville" showed that the great state of Alabama, (one with such great land, great weather,great natural resources, to draw great companies and industry) deserves every inbred, toothless, redneck joke ever told.
One Disclaimer before I return to my opinion: The woman I married from Alabama is a smart, intelligent, college graduate with a great deal of common sense. Her family, is like my own. They are great and hardworking people. BUT, they cheer for Auburn, and anyone playing Alabama. Period. It doesn't matter if Alabama is the only SEC team with a chance to play for and win the National Championship. They despise them! In 2009, I watched my normally sane wife cheer for Florida in the SEC Championship game and then cheer for Texas in the National Championship game! Ugh.
Back to the regularly scheduled rant: What is wrong with the Iron Bowl? Nothing. The two schools have very proud traditions that make them both formidable opponents, but their respective fan bases are loony (cuckoo) (nuts) (off the deep end). I digress...
So, I get it. You are a fan of the Tide or the War Eagle and you are thinking, I would not condone, nor ever commit such an act of stupidity as this jack wagon "Al from Dadeville"! Right? That's what you are thinking huh?
Well, here is how you can tell that argument is stupid and you are NOT capable of continuing this rivalry with any civility. When this fellow "Al" finishes his 40 year prison sentence (if the judge is a fan of Auburn) or gets a "stern" warning (if the judge is a Bama fan), his business (I assume some type of landscape, because of the nature of Spike 80DF) will triple, because every Alabama fan within a 50 mile radius of his business will switch to him. The pat on the back, the wink. Not vocally condoning, but with their wallets collectively saying "attaboy".
The great state of Alabama's pride and resources ruined (again) by a redneck fellow named "Al" and all the folks that will privately support him. Good job Tide fans. Stand up and give a big ol "Roll Tide", while the rest of the civilized world continues to look at you wondering "how do we allow those folks 9 electoral votes?"
The Iron Bowl is cancelled, because as any good southern mom would say, "If you and little "Al" can't play nice together, then he will have to go home".
So finally, just to tick both of you off, I would like to say on behalf of the rest of the country:
Roll Eagle.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Valentine's Day Weekend

Weekends around my house have been something great lately! Literally breaks from day to day grind stuff and lots of family fun, followed generally by great worship experiences on Sundays! This weekend was no exception!
Grif and I spent ALL day together on Saturday! We needed some testosterone time! Waffle House breakfast, a trip to the dump, Woodland Middle to see Bailey sing the National Anthem before the Middle School Championship games, a trip to Cartersville Sports Plex batting cages, and a little time visiting with Oma. Good conversations with a 10 year old boy!

Saturday night was the annual Service League dance at the new civic center! (If you have not been to an event yet at the new Cartersville Civic Center; you need to look for a reason to go!! It is amazing!) The dance, as always, beneifits the Boys' and Girls' Clubs of Bartow. Great event, great cause, great food, great music, and Donna and I even won a new (much needed) coffee maker in the silent auction!! We had a blast! Even though Donna was still fighting a sinus infection, it was a great night! Of course, any date night with her is a great night, but even better still when she looks something like this:

Wow! She is smokin HOT!

I digress....

Sunday at church was just incredible! The worship set was great but Pastor Randall was on fire! Preaching from his heart, from the Bible, and straight to me! Good stuff!

Monday, of course was Valentine's Day. It was also 20 years ago to the day that Donna and I first spoke to each other! Very cool stuff! (Technically, she hit on me; but that is another story!) We are getting each other a trip to Savannah at the end of this month to watch Bailey sing in All-State. I am very excited! I did however, try to cook a special dinner for all my valentines! It did not turn out my best, as I let the bbq chicken get a little crusty on the outside! But the menu was: bbq chicken, scallopped potatos, field peas, cornbread (pretty good for my first time), and brownies for dessert!! Good, but like I said not my best effort!

Oh, side note: I had to drop Bailey off at Bobby Mansfield's house on Sunday afternoon because Jon was taking the girls to pitching lessons, and Miss Bobby done had the old school Sunday spread out! Turkey, dressing, corn, green beans, rolls, and strawberry or cherry something for dessert! It made me long, for the days before my grandmother's stroke, when we used to do that as a family! Not every weekend, but at least once or so a month! I miss that! I know it is a lot of work, but I think I am going to have to try to start that tradition at my house! I miss it too much to at the very least not give it a chance! So, if you get a Sunday Supper invite, you'll know what to expect!! LOL


Thursday, February 10, 2011

More snow...

The snow had started falling just before I went to bed last night. There is not much prettier in God's creation than falling snow! The havoc the snow creates on roads and businesses is not much fun, but this particular time it was perfect. About an inch or so, but none sticking to the roads! Just gorgeous!
Yesterday was an interesting day for me! I had to go out selling at work. Now keep in mind that I am in management for a reason!! The X's and O's of day to day operation is a specialty of mine! However, the knocking on a strange door that has never seen me is not! But, the economy has pushed my company to the point of needing new customers, and that falls directly on my shoulders and the owner's shoulders. We are both doing something out of our comfort zone, but I guess pushing your own preconceived boundaries is a good thing!
Anyway, I had GREAT responses yesterday and even picked up one new client! Very good start, but still not my favorite thing to do! It is very akin to sharing the Gospel with someone! The same insecurities, fears and such surrond both!
Last night at church, supper was great! Fellowship was great! Cubbies worship was incredible!! (Cubbies are singing in big church this week, so they got to sing the songs for me that they have been learning on Sundays!) Then the choir's mid-week worship was incredible! The songs we are starting with in February have been amazing! Still missing some people due to illnesses and what not, but it was a great time of worship that I hope will last me until Sunday!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Weekend in review

We had too much fun this weekend!! Friday night we went to the Lovett's house for my birthday dinner (a little belated!). We had a great time talking and eating and such. Bailey had a lock-in at school for chorus, so we got her to that. Saturday, we had Grif's last ballgame of the year. They won by 2 and ended the season with only one loss!! He got better all year and has seemingly fallen in love with the one sport I know the least amount about!! LOL.
Saturday night Grif had a jump rope performance at halftime of the Woodland basketball game! He did great and Woodland killed South forsyth! They played a great game. We went to eat at El Nopal and headed home for the evening!
Sunday was an incredible time of worship! I was scheduled to be in children's church with the 3/4th grade boys during second service, so I only got to sing during the first worship service! It was a great set and the choir sang Our God Saves for the special music! It sounded incredible and the congregation was singing out during the congregational worship! It was a blast!
Sunday night there was some kind of sporting event on t.v. Jon Hodorff (biggest Packer fan I know) and Sydney have been pumped about this game for the last 2 weeks. So we went over there to watch with them and to have tacos. Great food, and great fun! The game was one of the best Super Bowls I have ever seen. Great battle between two very good and evenly matched teams! Well worth the time spent watching it!
Oh, also on Thursday I made (for the first time) from scratch brownies!! I got an incredible recipe off the internet! I will NEVER use a box brownie mix again!!

1/2 cup vegetable oil
1 cup white sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 eggs
1/2 cup all-purpose flour
1/3 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup chopped walnuts (optional)
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Grease a 9x9 inch baking pan.
In a medium bowl, mix together the oil, sugar, and vanilla. Beat in eggs. Combine flour, cocoa, baking powder, and salt; gradually stir into the egg mixture until well blended. Stir in walnuts, if desired. Spread the batter evenly into the prepared pan.
Bake for 20 to 25 minutes, or until the brownie begins to pull away from edges of pan. Let cool on a wire rack before cutting into squares.


Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Normally, the day after a big political event, such as the State of the Union Address, I would write a political blog with my reactions and thoughts, but not today!! I did not watch the address. I instead supported the local chapter of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes by going to annual banquet last night. I did hear a little of the speech while running at the gym this morning, and plan to read the transcripts later in the day, so you might still get my opinion of the speech soon anyway! I did, however, LOVE one comment by a Republican: "I agree with 80% of what the President says, but unfortunately I disagree with 80% of what he does"! WOW! Calling the President two-faced, or claiming he talks out of both sides of his mouth is either dumb or courageous, I don't know which? But, he may have a point if you believe in the old addage that actions speak louder than words! We'll see after I read it all!

Anyway, last night was a great time! Jeff Francoeur was the keynote speaker and did a great job! He spoke to the ups and downs of his baseball career and the place he is in with God. It was a good message of "growing" up in you Christianity and giving everything to God. (Especially the parts of your life you think YOU have under control) Boy, could I learn from that!! "God, I have this part under control, will you handle that part over there?" LOL - How juvenile we must sound at times to our Saviour! Anyway, if you know me, you know I love the pomp and circumstance of events like that! I love everything about it! I like getting to meet new people. I like getting to see old friends! I love a meal served by caterers! I LOVE having my gorgeous wife on my arm to take it all in with me! It was a blast!

A theme is kind of developing already in 2011, it seems. Growth.

Our pastor is challenging us to pray. To really have lives of prayer to God. That definitely leads to Growth in our walk.

I have told a few folks that Growth in our numbers in the choir is a goal I would like us to achieve.

My daughter's Growth has led to filling out paperwork for High School already.

The message we had at church Sunday from a guest preacher was about being committed Christians. (Growth).

If this is going to be the theme God has for me (or us) it could be a painful year! Growth is tough and often painful, but typically fulfilling in the end, right?


Thursday, January 20, 2011

Changes and such

My "little" girl is in 8th grade. I can't express just how proud I am of Bailey. She keeps excellent grades, has excellent friends, excels in any sport she wants, and is respectful at home (most of the time, ha)! This has been a great week and a horrible week for us as parents. We are filling out paper work for the honors program at the High School?!?!? You have got to be kidding? My baby is not old enough to go to High School!! ugh! Anyway, the paperwork is a job in and of itself, but through all of the stuff Bailey has had to write about herself, I've gotten to see my daughter through her own eyes. Of course, she is a 14 year old girl, and doesn't view herself as confidently as I think she should, BUT she has done some amazing things during those 14 years and seems to be proud of herself! That's a pretty good feeling for a father!!
Tuesday night we had the Helton's out for dinner. Caroline has been in the hospital and is still not 100%, so we wanted to make at least one night for them a little easier, with no cooking or cleaning and such! Anyway, we had a blast hanging out with them and talking past bedtimes! Note to self (and anybody else): things we need to do more of: hanging with friends!
Note only does the food always fill you up and nourish you, but the fellowship is always fun and makes for great memories!!
Last night in midweek worship, Frank announced that I am the new choir "president". Jaybird has been in that position for a while, and was ready (probably past ready) to lay it down. I don't know what all extra that will involve, but I would say if I can do anything to help the choir grow that I will have done a good job! There are sooooo many talented singers in our congregation that do not sing in the choir! We have enough talented singers in the church to easily double our numbers in the choir..... So, with that said.... COME JOIN US!! And, if you are already in the choir, INVITE someone to COME JOIN US!!

Monday, January 17, 2011

1st round blunders

It seems Atlanta sports teams build teams to make it to the playoffs, but not to win in the playoffs. There is a different intensity that should go along with playoffs! But, unfortunately, the Hawks, the Braves, the Falcons, don't seem to have coaching staffs or players that are capable of getting up to those intense levels. Very disappointing end to the Falcons season on Sunday!

However, the rest of the weekend was wonderful! I met Donna for dinner at Moore's Market on Friday night, and we had some great food and wonderful fun! Then we went to my grand parents house to visit with them for a while, enjoying the wonderful fire they had in the fireplace!! It was a great time!

Saturday, I hung out with my neighbor for 5 hours or so, running errands and such! He is 85 and needs to get out of his house for stimulation! We got our hair cut, ate lunch, and went to watch Grif's basketball game. We got home and went to eat with the Hodorff's and Lovett's and back to our house to watch the afore mentioned atrosity that was the Falcon's playoff loss!! I went to bed disgusted!

Sunday, was awesome though! A phenomenal music set at church followed by a great message! Bible study was great, but challenging as always! Donna and I took a Sunday afternoon nap together!! Then we all hung out until time to go to bed! They made me watch the recording of Miss America, so in turn, I made them watch one of my episodes of the Walton's!! Good Trade!

Anyway, it's Monday and I am back at it! Work is a little busy, which we need after the wasted week last week!! Workouts this week are going to hurt a little, since I only worked out twice last week!


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

An interesting start to 2011?!?

This is what we woke up to on Monday January 10th. Before all the footprints of play ruined it!

Griffin and I doing a little ridin and slidin!!

Bailey and Bailey getting ready to head down the hill. (Large Hill!!)

Top of the hill neighborhood snowball fight!!

Well, when God gives you a blanket of snow that you "can't" make it to work in, you just have to turn into a kid again! Donna's 3 kids went out playing for most of the day on Monday! We had a blast that the above pictures just can't show! All of North Georgia got snow. Our area got 6 inches or so, followed by a tenth of an inch of ice. Further south of us (Cobb County) got less snow, but more ice and their roads still look horrible!
Saturday, Bailey had All-State auditions and Donna was there helping compile scores. Bailey made a 100% by the way, a score not achieved by many!! That's my baby girl! That left me to do the preparing for the weather predictions. I went to the dump (normal Saturday thing) gassed up the 4 wheel drive truck, grocery store (I'd have rather given blood!!) etc. We got everything handled and then Grif had a basketball game. He scored A LOT. We couldn't keep up with the counting so we don't know exactly how many! He played great defense too! That's my boy!
Sunday was a wonderful day of worship at church! Music set was wonderful!!!! Then the pastor's message was on prayer!! His words had conviction, because I think he was convicted to preach on this particular topic at this particular time to this particular congregation! I can't wait to see where it takes us!! It was a powerful message!
Sunday evening we went to the Hodorff's and had homemade vegetable soup and watched Green Bay narrowly pull out a playoff win to earn the right to come to Ga and get their butt kicked, oops, I mean play Atlanta this weekend!! Go Falcons.
By the time we got home, got a little hot chocolate made, and buckled down for the night, the much predicted snow began. It was gorgeous. Heavy downpours of snow with big flakes. Lightening and thunder as well, Which is a rare occurance they call "Thundersnow" (Sounds like a wrestler on tv, huh?). Anyway, I took some medicine as I had begun to feel bad, and prayed I would feel like playing in the morning!! Then we woke on Monday to 6 inches of snow!! A GREAT amount! Not totally paralyzing, but plenty to play hookie from work and play in!!
Some type of football game was going on Monday night, I can't remember what!!
Oh yeah, I remember, the university on the plains in Alabama, the cult I married into, Auburn was playing for the National Championship.
Amazing game! Long game! Stressful game (according to Donna)! Auburn U came out with the win on a field goal with NO time left on the clock. Wonderful championship game!
War Eagle
Tuesday I heeded the D.O.T. s warnings not to get out again unless absolutely necessary and stayed home from work again. We had another great day of games and such. I ventured out to work this morning, but as of now (10:35) haven't seen a customer!! LOL - I doubt I will be here all day. My parking lot is so iced over, I'm afraid my customers couldn't make it in here without falling anyway!!
Last thing: Two years ago right now, I was laying in a hospital bed at Redmond Regional in Rome, GA. The night before, I had a major heart attack at the age of 37 that radically changed my life. I'm lucky to still be here after the heart attack doctors call "the widow-maker", because generally you first feel it on your way to the floor, and it's generally the last thing you feel. By far the scariest night of my life up to this point. I am thankful to God that he still had things for me to do here!! Mentally was probably tougher on me than physically. Physically, I can just eat better, and workout, and my cardiologist is happy (and so is my heart!)! But mentally, the understanding that tomorrow is not guaranteed to anyone, even a 37 year old, is a tough pill to swallow! Of course, it is also a liberating thought too! I have gotten to know my wonderful wife more over these last two years. It is not as though I didn't know her before, but I like to pay more attention to the small things now that I probably didn't notice before. She is a gift from God that I treasure daily now!
Here's to no more abulances and maybe a little more boring life?!?

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Next item up for bid..... A new car!! (In my best "Price is Right" voice)

This is my new car that follows my beloved Charlene. I say follows and not replaces, because you can't replace a legend!!
2010 Toyota Corolla, Power everything, keyless entry, cd, ipod, automatic (ugh!) blah, blah, blah!
It is exciting to get a new car after 16 years. She seems like a good one, but the jury is still out.
No, she doesn't have a name yet!! You have to drive a car for a while before she tells you her name! Duh!!
Anyway, now you have met the new addition to the Guyton household!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Happy New Year!

What an awesome first 4 days of the new year! The newness of things seems to be a breath of fresh air to me! This morning, I felt convicted while working out. I know that sounds funny, but God can use whatever he wants!
Anyway, it is (and I guess always has been) to "gymrats" an ongoing joke or pool as to how long the "resolution newbies" will last. Now keep in mind, the "cardio loft" at the L.A. Fitness I go to has over 60 machines. During the month of August there may be 5 to 7 of them getting used at my time of the morning. But during the "newness" of January, yesterday and today there was probably 30 to 35 being used at my time. Anyway. I'm cranking out on the eliptical, going hard and listening to my new ipod (thanks Santa (my Santa is HOT!!)) and people watching and thinking that person won't be here after a week, that person won't last a month...blah blah blah you get the point. When I look up at the television in time for them to show some of the quarterbacks that have had good bowl games, and the qb from TCU was the one on the screen and I remembered that in his interview he quoted 1 Peter 5:6 - Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time.
I thought to myself, that I shouldn't be judging these "newbies". ( Judging is a sin I seem to have a great deal of problem with!!) I should actually be cheering for them. I should be hoping they succeed in their goals. We all should. On a daily basis, we should encourage each other. We should humble ourselves, under God's hand. I think that would involve encouraging, and lifting up each other. I felt stupid judging them, knowing that in one week would be the 2 year anniversery of what made me a "newbie" in the gym at that time!!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Christmas season is over!

We had a great Christmas and great New Year! We left for Jackson on Tuesday night and had a smooth trip! Woke up Wednesday on my 39th birthday!! (Next year is the big 4-0) Had a great time eating, watching football, opening up presents and just hanging with Donna's family! Nothing beats vacation or holidays for rest and relaxation!
Only bad part was one of Bailey's classmates was accidentally shot and killed while we were down there. A young man by the name of Rob Taylor. He sat in front of Bailey in her Science class. She was very upset as you can imagine. We've been praying for his family and the boy's whose house he was at. Very sad situation!
We had another smooth trip home yesterday and back to the grind today!!
The gym is always funny during January! Packed house today and will probably be worse tomorrow when all the kids go back to school!!
Pray for the kids at Woodland Middle tomorrow. I imagine it will be a tough day for all the kids there!
Happy New Year!