Monday, March 29, 2010

Weekend Bliss

What an incredible weekend!! I will be smiling until next weekend because of all the excitement! (I hope)
My tournament team won the tourney on Saturday!! I had a good defensive day and decent offensive (not what I am used to, but it is early in the season). Bailey and Grif both had good practices and ended the day watching daddy at 10:30 pm winning the tourney in a blustery wind!!
Sunday started with an awesome church service! An awesome bible study discussion, and a field trip to the 2nd worship service to watch one of our classmates get baptized and her family join the church!! (how cool!)
Side Note** I got to meet Nell Womack, Joseph's wife, and Tess's sister-in-law. I originally got to her blog one day when I was extremely bored at work and she and some of her friends via their blogs have some incredible recipes!! I mention that so that if you need some quick fix meals with big flavors, it could serve you well to do some snooping around Nell's and blog friend list to do some seriously good eating!!
Back to the regular scheduled program....
Bailey's pitching lesson went great!! She was serious, and working hard!! We had moved her lesson up one hour for the night of worship at the church.
I got back to the church at 3 for vocal team mic check and to make sure we knew all the X's and O's of the game plan. Choir rolled in at 4:30 and we ate a little bit before sound check! Then we ate a little bit after sound check!! The vocal team circled up for a prayer after our sound check that was an incredible time! Moments like that really solidify us as a team, in my opinion. It was sweeeeeet!
Anyway the night of worship/live recording went amazing!! A couple of problems made us have to redo a couple of songs but I think the choir could've gone on worshipping all night!!
I was exhausted but energized. Drained, but ready to offer more!!
It was a truly awesome weekend!! Very special service that I will never forget!! I can't wait to hear the cd!!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Contently searching

I know, oxymoron. How can you be content and searching at the same time? I don't know, but that's the way I feel this morning, so that is the title!
We are coming up on a Live CD recording at the church this Sunday. Of course we are also working on Easter music. Ball practices. Tournaments. Getting ready for the CRCT. Busy at work (Thank God). Going and coming and going and coming...... You get it. A LOT of stuff going on! It is great! It is one of the joys of having children; there is always something to do!! Donna and I are looking forward to Sunday and the live recording. I pray it will be a great time of worship!! I hope it will be a great "lead-up" to Easter; but an amazing experience in and of itself. I have not ever done anything like this with a church. I did it every year for music camp, but in a church setting, not so much! I think it will be cool and I hope the finished product is a blessing to many people!
Forgotten God is a book that we are going over in bible study class. I am in the process of reading it as "homework". I will be writing more on it later, but suffice it to say, it is and is going to be challenging!
That's all for now! Sorry for the quick update, but I am lucky enough to be busy at work!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Great weekends are good for the soul!!

I had another incredible weekend. Friday night we went out with some friends to Red Skye in Marietta. It is a piano bar. I had never been to a dueling piano show, even as much as I love music! The two guys were incredible! It was 3 straight hours of great entertainment! They knew and played one of my requests, one of my all time favorite songs, Scenes from an Italian Restaurant, by Billy Joel. They played the whole version!! (Like 7 minutes long!!)
Saturday was a nice relaxing day! We didn't do anything worthwhile. Just hung out at the house, took a nap, watched a TON of college basketball!! Then I had already decided to cook dinner and what I wanted to cook!! So I went at it:
Fried Chicken!!!
Mashed taters (Donna made these! Best I ever ate!)
Pineapple cheese casserole
And, with apologies to Moore's Gourmet Market:
Sweet Potato Biscuits!! MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
Great Day!!
Sunday morning got to my house an hour earlier than normal (I know it did for everyone, but this blog is about me!! LOL)
I was on vocal team, so I dragged myself in early and went to singing. I got there in a bad mood!! You could say that I woke up on the wrong side of the bed, but if I told you the truth, I was in a bad mood for very selfish reasons. I wasn't in the mood to lead out in worship. But, thanks be to God, I couldn't stay that way. Somewhere during the first song of the first service, while we were singing Hallelujah, God is Here, He got my attention and changed my thought process. Period. My attitude changed, I'm sure my demeanor changed, the sound I was hearing changed and by the time we got to the second song, I was singing TO God, not about Him.
Pastor preached a tough sermon. Not all that tough to hear, but a tough sermon inasmuchas (LOL) there is a lot of controversy on the scriptures he preached on. And I can ALWAYS respect anyone who says, "I don't understand all of these verses", before he starts. Fact is, there is NO way to understand ALL the Bible. But I can promise this: there is no way to understand ANY of it if you aren't in it. Period.
Bible study was challenging. I think I'm going to ask Shep if he will speak on tort reform for a few weeks in Bible Study!! Then I could tune out without God continually poking me in the chest! LOL
We are beginning a study on the book Forgotten God. It is going to be interesting to say the least!!
Have a great week!

Monday, March 8, 2010

I had the best weekend!!

How often can you really say that? We had an incredible weekend!!
Friday night we went to the Hodorff's for pizza and a game night!! It was an absolute blast!
Saturday morning, Donna and I helped with the Awana Grand Prix at Church! Lisa Lovett did an amazing job, putting that event together! We were done by 12:30 and then decided to go have lunch before going home!
We went to Moore's Gourmet Market, which I have never been to, and sat on the patio to in the mid -50 degree day in the sun and ate lunch! It was chilly enough to have to keep your jacket on, but it was wonderful to eat outside and enjoy some warmth after this winter we have had! Not to mention, having my wife's undivided attention and she having mine is ALWAYS a pleasure!! Very romantic lunch!
We went by the grocery store, so I could get a couple of items I needed for a romantic dinner!! Donna and I got in a good nap. Then, I watched Grif shoot his B.B. gun in the backyard while I was grilling dinner. Bailey was unfortunately reading a book for a book report!
Carribean Jerk Chicken
French Onion Rice
Wilted Spinach w/ crumbled bacon
Homemade Apple Pie a la mode for dessert!!
After the kids went to bed we watched a couple of funny movies. Hangover (Funny parts but overall slow I thought - and raunchy!!) and Couples retreat (Funny parts but overall slow I thought too!) Been a while since I have seen a GREAT movie!
Anyway, Sunday brought a wonderful day of worship! I was on vocals and had to be at church at 7:45 (still yawning,LOL) Then we had 7 songs in the lineup!! 7! is a lot!! times 2 services, but it was an incredible worship set!! I led out on our newest congregational worship song called "I Will Rise". An absolutely incredible song! I felt good about the 1st service, but I went flat a couple of notes in the 2nd service!! Not to bad, just not the way you want to lead out on a new song especially!
Anyway, Bailey's pitching lessons went great, but you could tell she missed a weeks lesson. She was rusty, and had work extra hard! The weather was still great when we got home, so Grif and I went outside to throw the baseball (yes the season in right around the corner already!!) Then he wanted to shoot his bb gun, which he did for a few minutes until he came inside and broke one of the major rules (DO NOT COCK THE GUN IN THE HOUSE PERIOD!!) Gun put up, number 1 son not happy with himself!! LOL.
Prayer time at church was incredible! It just always is!
Got home to the smell of mimi frying catfish, hushpuppies, and home fries, mmmmm come on!! Surely my cardiologist wouldn't approve, but I got after it this morning in the gym to makeup for it!!
Anyway, A phenomenal weekend with the family and the sun!! God made a beautiful weather weekend and we took FULL advantage!