Monday, November 30, 2009


I had a wonderful Thanksgiving week!! Donna's family came into town Monday. We visited, played games, ate, watched football......

We love it when all her family gets together! It is always a great time.

Bailey was gone with the Hodorff's to Washington D.C. for the entire week. That was very diffucult to be without one of our children for the holiday week, but it was a great experience for her and she made memories that will last a lifetime!
On Friday night, Sarah (John's wife), Griffin, and I made some painted cookies (a la Agan's Bakery cookies). As you can see in the above phote, they came out great!! And tasted pretty good too!
Saturday was a total football day. I lazied around the house and did nothing but watch football!!
Sunday was a great time of worship!! And a bible study lesson that I think we will be talking about and working on for a while!! Bailey got home around 4!! We missed her so much, but are so thankful that the Hodorff's included her and gave her an opportunity to see some historic places!! Prayer time Sunday night was amazing!! I can't understand why more people aren't interested in coming!! My prayer time continued in my car until I got home!! That was even more powerful!! (More on that another time). And the day wrapped with a family game of Clue. Col. Mustard in the patio with the trophy!! I won! WooHoo......
I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving filled with the laughter of family and friends!!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


I am thankful for parents that raised me in a Christian home.
I am thankful for an amazing, brilliant, gorgeous wife.
I am thankful for a beautiful, smart, respectful daughter.
I am thankful for a smart, handsome, (mostly) respectful, rambunctious son.
I am thankful for a good job, nice home, and other material things that God has blessed us with.
I am thankful to be alive and alive in Christ.
I am thankful for my God, whose Grace always is sufficient, in spite of my stupidity.
I am thankful He sent his son to die an unimaginable death, for me.
I am thankful for these things and many more, not just today, but everyday.
Happy Thanksgiving all!!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Take the shackles off my feet so I can dance!!

What an incredible weekend!!
We started the weekend off with a spend the night birthday party for Bailey!! 13. I am the father of a teenage girl!! R U Kidding me!!!!K^#^%^@^ 10 or 11 girls spent the night and Bailey had a blast!! She got exactly what she wanted....a cell phone. $#!$%#$%#$%% Anyway!!
Saturday was a great day of anticipation!! I woke up with nothing to do until 4:30, so the morning and afternoon were spent relaxing!! (I did make a pound cake to share at the concert, but that's not work!!) I got to the church at 4:30 and we got sound check done. The anticipation just continued to build in me (I'm sure I wasn't the only one!!). JP, Jay and I went over to Zaxby's to eat, and I will NEVER again order their insane sauce!! It was HOT!!
Travis came upstairs to pray with the choir before the concert and just encouraged us to worry more about our worship and less about the notes!! I think that is the way it is ALWAYS suppose to be!! I can't explain the "concert" to you!! I can't help but think that God was pleased!! I was reminded that night of that old hymn; There's a sweet, sweet spirit in this place. And I know, that it's the presence of the Lord!!
We rock it out for a couple of hours. It was incredible!!
I went home exhausted!! Tired,throat hurting a little, and my voice shot! I didn't have any idea how I was going to be able to lead worship on Sunday morning! But, His mercies are new every morning, and He proved that on Sunday!! I woke up refreshed, and my voice had a little "kick" to it!! It was a great reminder!! Thank you Father!
Sunday School was amazing!! (as always) The book of Acts will challenge who you are as a Christian and where you are corporately as a church!!
Bailey's pitching lessons went GREAT!! She is getting so much better! A Sunday afternoon nap was very welcomed!! And I ended the weekend with prayer time at church!! Amazing how that can set you week off in the right direction!
A phenomenal weekend!! Donna and I spent all weekend together and doing fun things we enjoy!! Our church family is great!! And, our worship time together is more strengthening than I can describe!!