Anyone that knows me well, knows I look for any reason to wear a suit. Of course, partly because I like the way they look. Partly, because it is a reminder of more formal days gone by. BUT, mainly because if I mark the amazing (good and bad) days in my life, 8 of the top ten and 4 of the bottom 5, I was in a suit!! The 2 exceptions being that I didn't wear a suit to the hospital when my children were born (that would have been a little creepy! And I didn't have a suit on the day I had a heart attack.)
Anyway last night was one of those night that has firmly been nestled into that top 10!! More on that later.
Sometimes God carves out an little extra for you. Gives you something to chew on, that isn't something you planned or thought out. This entire weekend was like that for me! It was like God said this weekend, "I'm going to show that boy just what he means to me!!" and the moment (or weekend) wasn't lost on me!!
Friday after work, my son and I got to spend several hours alone! We don't get that often! He had just come from his first middle school dance! He slow danced with a girl!! So I got some great one on one time to talk to him about how we treat girls, how we respect girls etc! This was just one of many conversations to be had, but it was great seeing his excitement about that day in his life!
Saturday after a much needed hair cut I got to go to a political rally for Trey Kelley who is running for State Rep in District 16. I was one of the speakers. It wasn't exactly the best speech I have ever given, but I did OK. I had a couple of more points I wanted to get in about Trey and I just blanked. He is a great young man and will do a great job for District 16. I hope I get a chance again to express that for him! Then I went to watch the Woodland Lady Cats play in a tourney in Woodstock. I watched their last 2 of 5 games. They won the 3 games I wasn't there and lost the 2 that I was there for! Does that mean I am a jinx? (Don't answer that!!) Bailey didn't get to play except for courtesy running! I am extremely proud of how much she continues to improve, and that makes me disappointed for her when she doesn't get to play! She always handles it with class though, which is impressive to a father! She is the loudest cheerleader when she is on the bench and even though I hurt for her, it is very impressive to watch and easy to have pride in her!!
Sunday was something else!! I don't mind telling you that Sunday Sept 9th will go down as a very special day in my life! (Top 10)!! Donna and I were just overwhelmed!
Sunday started out with our choir back on the risers warming up at 8:30!! Full choir! Big numbers and great sound!! Then Bible study was incredible! From a new believer sharing with the group to Andrea's teaching style that I had never had the chance to sit under, it was an incredible morning! Worship was amazing! 2 baptisms, our choir rocking it out, David Franklin preaching and challenging our church!! An amazing time of God! Even a short Sunday afternoon nap!
Sunday night at 5 I put a SUIT and headed back to church for my deacon ordination. Donna and I got to sit on stage while the ordained men of the church prayed over and spoke encouragement over us one at a time. A stunningly power time, that God ordained! It truly felt like God was sitting between us the whole time. I can't explain it except to say breath taking!! My granddaddy got to come and closed the service out in prayer! As Donna and I laid in bed recounting the different things that were prayed over us and on our behalf, we were humbled and just sooo thankful!! I was also extremely thankful that 3 girls agreed to sing and be a part of that special night!
I can't tell you how amazing it is that God picked for me in Donna, a wife that is so supportive, loving and amazing! I am truly a lucky man!!
Careful, Child of God
5 years ago