Due to money crunch and the economy hitting my business, I couldn't take off the whole week with Donna, Bailey and Grif, but I did take Friday and we slipped out of town with the Hodorffs and the Lovetts for a much needed few days away at Mt Vogel State Park! Less than 2 hours away from here, but I've never been. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!! Amazing scenery, easy, but pretty drive. It was great. Friday when we got there it was still very windy, so that made it a little cold, but nothing a great fire wouldn't wipe away in a hurry!! There is just something hypnotic about watching, smelling, hearing, and feeling a fire isn't there?
We were able to picnic, hike, fish (in streams and on a lake), play putt-putt (Grif's personal fav!!), EAT, play four square, card games, and just spend time with each other.
It was a great time to get away from "real life" and just take in the beauty of God's creation!! Donna has almost talked me into selling the house and buying a motor home to live in for our retirement (a few years from now!!) It was an amazing weekend in a beautiful valley in the foothills of the Appalachian Mtns!!
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