What an incredible week!! It is/has/and will continue to be BUSY!!! A lot going on!
Bailey and Grif got back from a week of youth camp!! They had a blast!! Donna and I had a great time as well, but were missing our babies badly!! I'm glad to have them home!!
The campaign is going amazingly well, and I am so proud to be working for Shep's campaign!! He is a man of integrity that will represent us well under the Gold Dome. I am proud to be working for him, but more proud to cast my vote for him!!
Shep could not have done a better job in the debate!! He rocked it!!
Our big fund raiser is tonight, then door to door tomorrow and then 4th of July events on Saturday!!
I am looking forward to vacation on the 11th of July!!!!!!!
Careful, Child of God
5 years ago
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