Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Nervous, but not scared!

It's funny the things we remember from our childhood years. I was around 12 or 13 when my sister (who was 6 or 7....I don't know maybe 8 (she was young)) woke up on a school day with a stomach ache. Mom took me on to school and then took Janet to the doctor. A whirlwind few hours later they are at the hospital because my sister's appendix was very close to rupturing. Anyway, just before they wheel her back for surgery, my sister (who has always been mature) looked up at my mom and said, "mom, I'm nervous, but I'm not scared." ....from the mouth of babes, huh?
Well, that statement from a young 6ish year old pretty much describes where I am at, I guess. Certain surgeries are common place now. Simple stuff. BUT, come with inherit risks and dangers none-the-less. I'm pretty nervous, but I'm not scared. God is in control, therefore, I don't have to be. I've gone back and looked at a list of goals I made for myself after the heart attack 1/9/09, and there is still some meat left on that bone. So, I will renew my efforts to get all of those fulfilled after this heart surgery, and make it happen.
I recall one of the cardiologists I saw after the H.A. saying, you have a much higher chance to have a second heart attack than someone else has of having their first heart attack, and the MAIN reason is that people will eventually forget the pain and go back to the things they did before that caused the problems. Well, after looking at my goals, I can safely say (although sadly) that I would have to put myself in that category. I reckon I'm a slow learner. I will have to add some accountability measures with a friend or two along with my goals.
Anyway, pray for me tomorrow. Donna's facebook will probably tell you everything you need to know and then some. LOL.
Also, pray for Lisa Lovett who is in surgery to repair two ruptured vertabrae today.
She took Tuesday's surgery, I'm taking Wednesday's surgery, any of our friends want to volunteer for a Thursday surgery to keep the streak going? anyone? Bueller?

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Cardiologists can kiss my

Great things going on for the home team!!
Bailey: test scores were GREAT, her softball is going GREAT, getting better at pitching every week, getting ready to go to high school (threw up in my mouth a little), chorus went AMAZING, etc....
Griffin: test scores were GREAT, baseball is going GREAT, getting ready to be a fifth grader!!, did very well at Science Olypiad, etc...
Donna: Her test scores were great and higher than she expected!!, end of the year is just days away, and tanning is just around the corner, etc...
All of these great things going on in the house and we should be dancing around and partying!! But, someone has to throw a damper on the fire, and I guess I drew the short straw!
During a routine follow-up stress test, the cardiologist found another blockage. Good news: We didn't find out through the intense pain and pressure of a heart attack this time!
Bad news: Next Wednesday the 25th they will be doing another heart cath on me. Should be routine and fairly quick. That is what I am praying for anyway!
I hope you will pray for me as well!
Donna and the kids are scared. I am frustrated and pissed. For 2 and 1/2 years I have been working out hard, eating better, etc. to make sure that this NEVER happened again, and I barely got passed the 2nd anniversary before we get to do it all over.
It is in God's hands now (where, of course it rested all along) and we trust that he has a plan for me and this situation.