Yeah right! Summertime when I was a kid was sooooo relaxing. You literally wake up eat and leave the house to play until someone called you for dinner. Then you would go back out and play until the street lights came on. Go in, go to bed a wake up the next day to do it over again! I also got to work in the garden with my granddaddy in the mornings before he left for his 2nd shift job with G.E. (of course, the occasional playing hookie from the garden to wet a hook somewhere was mandatory!!) But, as an adult, summer is definitely NOT that relaxing!
After working all day, I find myself at a ball field, or church, or yard work calling, or or or or ..... There is something always calling my name. Not to mention with work VERY slow at the office, I find myself probably more stressed than I have ever been. Scary times in our economy today! Anyway, I am looking forward to a vacation with my family more than I can ever remember! Looking forward to a long 4th of July weekend. Looking forward to family time, with no ball field, or yard work, or office work, or even church work, just time with my family surveying the vastness and beauty that God created for us, that I rarely take enough time to breathe in!
Also, coming soon....I will be doing a book review on "Billy Graham in Quotes". A book by Franklin Graham, that I got for free from If you join booksneeze, they send you books in return for your review. Kind of interesting, so I am giving it a try.
Careful, Child of God
5 years ago