The heart cath went well and the blockage I have is not from new plaque but rather from the stints the doctor put in 2 and a half years ago that are pinching a "small and insignificant" vessel. (Didn't know any of my blood supply lines were insignificant) Cardiologist recommended not doing anything as it has been there this whole time and has not (and should not) cause any problems, so that is the route we went. He said not to stop anything I have been doing and to forget about it. So, it is forgotten.
The rest afterward for a few days was most welcome! The whole weekend was beautiful. Pretty weather on Memorial Day weekend should be a law! It was gorgeous, so we got a little pool time, ball time, cookout time, outdoor neighborhood party time, etc. I would say almost perfect (except for Donna every two minutes telling me to be careful with my arm! Ha! I guess that is her job!)
Bailey's softball team came in 2nd in their Tourney on Saturday! I was so proud of all the girls!!
I hope everyone had a great Memorial Day weekend!
Thank you for praying for me and this surgery! God answered!
Careful, Child of God
5 years ago
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