The more you know, the more you realize that you don't know.
Have you ever heard that saying? When I was a teenager I thought my parents were dumb. I thought they had no clue of the "real world". The older I have become all of the sudden, they are pretty smart people!! Funny huh? Because the more I begin to know, the more I realize that I have no clue!!
That fact is hitting home with me currently in my walk with God. It feels really strange.
I'm praying more than I ever have; and I know I don't do it enough.
I'm in the bible more than I have ever been; and I know I'm not in it enough.
I'm serving more than I ever have; and I know I'm not serving enough.
The closer I get, the more I know that is available to me that I am not reaching. Not because God isn't offering; on the contrary, it's because I'm insufficient. Tough to feel that, but fact it is.
I had a great workout today and my 6 month check up is coming up next week.
Careful, Child of God
5 years ago