Absolutely no post in forever that had any teeth to it. So I really do not know where to begin to update!
Last night went MUCH quicker than the primary. I guess smaller number of candidates, combined with smaller turn-out gives way to much quicker results! We lost. 131 votes separted us. Shep did great through-out the whole campaign! To be a first time candidate, he did amazing! I doubt anyone wants to see his name on a ballot against them!!
It was also my first time doing this. I know that I will be my own worst critic, but there are many things I did wrong, that I am (and will be for weeks to come) sorting through and marking down as lessons learned.
My emotions are as raw as they could be. Tough day to have to be "faking it" at work! I feel that I've let Shep down. There are going to be plenty of lessons to "glean" from this, and the ones I learn will make me better at that job. It was fun, tough, exciting, and exhausting.
I have been through all the emotions as you can imagine today. I have been angry mostly, but in the long run, the things that have made me angry, will probably be the things that taught me the most! For that I am thankful.
For the experience, I am thankful.
For the wonderful volunteers, I am thankful.
I am sure over the next few weeks I will add stories "from the trail", but for now, this is all I can give you!!
Careful, Child of God
5 years ago
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