January 11, 2009. I guess it is a day that I will never forget. An anniversary of sorts that I will celebrate as a turning point in my life. I had been playing full court basketball with some guys from the church, getting ready for the church league season that was approaching. After getting home and cooling down my chest started hurting. The rest, as they say, is history. A massive heart attack at 37 that I was fortunate enough to live through, changed my perspective.
Four years later and my heart is healthier. Running, biking, rowing or using the elliptical for cardio 5 days a week will do that along with eating better! I am also in the midst of my 4th attempt to quit smoking. 13 weeks 5 days 14 hours and 16, 17, 18 seconds/ never mind; who's counting! Ha. I'm trying to love people and spend time with my family, and serve others like I won't be here tomorrow, because as a good friend of mine says often, "we weren't even promised today"!
So one New Year resolutions is to continue to spend time with my children and wife, love big, play often, stop smoking, pray like it is all up to God and work like it is all up to me.
Until 4 years ago I was never big on resolutions, but now I would consider ever morning a resolution of sorts. Still, though, God has been working on me for a few things. If you've known me for any length of time then you know self confidence is not an area that I have a problem. I have opinions and LIKE to share them. I enjoy talking. Well over the past month I have had the humbling honor of apologizing to several people that I have hurt or offended. NOT FUN!!
I feel like God is working on my ego. NOT FUN!
So, New Year Resolutions (or every day resolutions):
1. Less talking, WITH more listening. (We are more connected as a society (facebook, my space, blogs etc) and know more about what people are going through, but seem to care less and that makes for a lot of lonely and hurting people. It is hard for me to hear someone hurting if I am constantly talking.
2. Offer less unsolicited opinions. (I have a BAD habit of interjecting my opinion in conversations where I have no business doing so!)
3. Lead, where warranted, BUT be the BEST follower when Leading isn't my job. (I enjoy leading and making decisions, but many times when it is not my job to lead I will look at the situation will a critical spirit instead of following and being a help! (I don't know if I conveyed this well, but...))
4. Separate people from their sin. (I, probably in an attempt of judgement, see the wrong someone has done instead of the person. I need and WANT to give grace the way God has given it to me; FREELY.
I'm sure there will be more that God will be adding to that list. If I were to get those 4 licked it would be nothing short of a miracle! Pray for me.
Careful, Child of God
5 years ago
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