President Obama on the 36th anniversery of Roe v Wade says "this decision stands for a broader principle: that government should not intrude on our most private family matters."
But this week a Brown County judge ordersDaniel Hauser to recieve chemo treatments for his cancer against his and his mother's wishes, but I havn't heard My President say that the judge should stay out of that most private family matter?
In March a judge ordered that 3 homeschooled kids had to go to public school because their mother's lessons had religious teachings, but My President didn't tell that judge to stay out of that most private family matter?
I am under the current belief that things are private family matters for liberal, such as my President, ONLY if they agree, otherwise the government HAS to "intrude".
Non-intruders, unless we don't agree.
Tollerant of all opinions, unless your opinion is different.
Accepting of all religions and aetheists, unless you try to pray in public.
Frightening times!!
Careful, Child of God
5 years ago
1 comment:
I can't tell you how I long for heaven. Your points are well made.
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