We had a great Christmas weekend with the family! Complete with the first "measurable" snow in on Christmas in North Georgia since 1882!! How about that?
It was a gorgeous time! We had a blast.
Friday morning we woke and headed to my parents to have breakfast with the my parents and grandparents. Waffles and bacon. The grandparents left, and we opened presents with my parents! We skyped with Janet, Henry and Hank since they weren't able to leave Cleveland for Christmas. We had a good time opening presents, and my parents gave Donna and I a laptop! A great gift for us. Donna has been wanting one for a while now and it was very thoughtful of my parents to do that for us! Friday evening was a great time of worship with our church family, celebrating the ONLY reason for CHRISTmas. Complete with songs, a great message, and candlelit singing of Silent Night. It was a beautiful evening.
We grabbed a bite to eat and headed home, so I could make a German Chocolate Cake for Chrismas day lunch. It turned out beautiful!! We then tucked down for the night.
We woke on Christmas morning to see that Santa had come to the house!! He over did it, but it was a wonderful time together! The kids both got i-pod touches. (I think when I was ten, I got a new football and a 12" color T.V.)
Anyway, we went to my maternal grandparents for breakfast next to a warm fireplace. The snow began around 9:30 or 10. We got done there and headed for home around 11. Got the dishes and cake for lunch and headed over to my parents for lunch with my paternal side of the family. Lunch was great!! We opened presents together and had a good time catching up, but we cut it a little short since the snow decided not to stop! By the time we left there; there was maybe 2" of snow on the ground and the roads were "slushy" but plenty managable. We got the message that church was cancelled for Sunday and decided to tuck down at home for the rest of the weekend and not get out of pajamas until Monday morning. (Except for a quick trip into town on Sunday afternoon!) We got all our Christmas decorations down on Sunday and are ready for a trip to Jackson later in the week to celebrate Christmas with Donna's family!
After we purchase a replacement for Charlene tonight!! WooHoo... new car!
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