Wow! She is smokin HOT!
I digress....
Sunday at church was just incredible! The worship set was great but Pastor Randall was on fire! Preaching from his heart, from the Bible, and straight to me! Good stuff!
Monday, of course was Valentine's Day. It was also 20 years ago to the day that Donna and I first spoke to each other! Very cool stuff! (Technically, she hit on me; but that is another story!) We are getting each other a trip to Savannah at the end of this month to watch Bailey sing in All-State. I am very excited! I did however, try to cook a special dinner for all my valentines! It did not turn out my best, as I let the bbq chicken get a little crusty on the outside! But the menu was: bbq chicken, scallopped potatos, field peas, cornbread (pretty good for my first time), and brownies for dessert!! Good, but like I said not my best effort!
Oh, side note: I had to drop Bailey off at Bobby Mansfield's house on Sunday afternoon because Jon was taking the girls to pitching lessons, and Miss Bobby done had the old school Sunday spread out! Turkey, dressing, corn, green beans, rolls, and strawberry or cherry something for dessert! It made me long, for the days before my grandmother's stroke, when we used to do that as a family! Not every weekend, but at least once or so a month! I miss that! I know it is a lot of work, but I think I am going to have to try to start that tradition at my house! I miss it too much to at the very least not give it a chance! So, if you get a Sunday Supper invite, you'll know what to expect!! LOL
1 comment:
Um...we are game to eat even one of your less-than-best meals anytime! Seriously Ava mourns that I cannot do dumplings like Mimi! You and Donna looked great...so glad ya'll had a blast.
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