I love rainy days!! However; it does make me long to be home snuggled with Donna!! We desperately need the rain, so I thank God for it.
There is something going on every night until Christmas, which makes for long days!! But as the song says it is the most wonderful time of the year. With our children still being young, it is also a magical time!! I am excited about Christmas morning already!!
Last night was the ladies Christmas dinner at the church to benefit the ladies resource center in C'ville. It was a phenomenal event. The hostesses did a wonderful job of decorating their tables. The ladies looked beautiful (though I personally thought Donna was the most stunning (but I may be a touch biased)). The men have the distinct honor at this event of wearing black pants, white dress shirts, and red bow ties to serve the ladies!! (I've told them we should do without the shirts and go with a little chip-n-dales theme, but not appropriate is always the responce!! go figure, LOL). During Beloved's performance (which was incredible!!) they brought 6 very lucky men on stage to prove to the 420 ladies there, that we can't dance!! Yep, you guessed it I said we because I was "lucky" enough to be one of the 6 and got to prove to half the women of C'ville that I can't dance!! But it was good natured fun, and from the laughter, I think provided plenty of comic relief!!
Poker night in the neighborhood went very well!! We got started a little late, thanks to everyone having something to do early in the evening!! But the boys were good to me last night!!
On a side note: At the event last night I got to hold Adelynn, Jon and Mandee England's youngest, for 5 or 10 minutes!! She is so precious I could just eat her up!! Adelynn just has the best demeanor and was smiling at everyone that walked by and spoke to her or me!! To precious!!
Careful, Child of God
5 years ago
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