I had an opportunity to talk to a lady yesterday who came in the store to get her CHRISTmas card labels printed. As we spoke, I learned that this will be her first CHRISTmas without her husband of 57 years (they were high school sweethearts). I literally had tears flowing listening to her talk of their life together and how sweet a man he was. She lavished praise to his name as if he was the greatest husband and father that had ever walked the face of the Earth. I so enjoyed speaking with her! She will never know how that conversation she had with me meant to me.
I learned this morning that John Lane and Danny Guyton (no relation)both passed away. I learned Tuesday night that Grover Knight had passed away.
All of these individual events just have me thinking this morning about families. I have written on this blog about the family that I grew up in and how it has affected the husband, father, and man that I have become! I am blessed!
But, there have also been a lot of other families that have affected me over the years as well.
The Lanes, Guytons, Knights, Boss, Lowerys, Hobsons, Grahams, Hatchers, Doyles, Vickerys, Billues, just to name a few. These families affected me mostly because of their faith. They didn't mind sharing their faith, and in some cases training me in mine. And in most of these families (mentioned and unmentioned) they had/have a husband and father that was a spiritual leader in their churches (and homes). All of these families were in my early and impressionable childhood years.
They loved/love God, their families, and friends.
They helped make me into the husband and father that I am today. I am so blessed that these familes (and many more) were in my "village".
I strive to be a better husband and father today because of them and the men in my own family!
Careful, Child of God
5 years ago
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