Normally, the day after a big political event, such as the State of the Union Address, I would write a political blog with my reactions and thoughts, but not today!! I did not watch the address. I instead supported the local chapter of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes by going to annual banquet last night. I did hear a little of the speech while running at the gym this morning, and plan to read the transcripts later in the day, so you might still get my opinion of the speech soon anyway! I did, however, LOVE one comment by a Republican: "I agree with 80% of what the President says, but unfortunately I disagree with 80% of what he does"! WOW! Calling the President two-faced, or claiming he talks out of both sides of his mouth is either dumb or courageous, I don't know which? But, he may have a point if you believe in the old addage that actions speak louder than words! We'll see after I read it all!
Anyway, last night was a great time! Jeff Francoeur was the keynote speaker and did a great job! He spoke to the ups and downs of his baseball career and the place he is in with God. It was a good message of "growing" up in you Christianity and giving everything to God. (Especially the parts of your life you think YOU have under control) Boy, could I learn from that!! "God, I have this part under control, will you handle that part over there?" LOL - How juvenile we must sound at times to our Saviour! Anyway, if you know me, you know I love the pomp and circumstance of events like that! I love everything about it! I like getting to meet new people. I like getting to see old friends! I love a meal served by caterers! I LOVE having my gorgeous wife on my arm to take it all in with me! It was a blast!
A theme is kind of developing already in 2011, it seems. Growth.
Our pastor is challenging us to pray. To really have lives of prayer to God. That definitely leads to Growth in our walk.
I have told a few folks that Growth in our numbers in the choir is a goal I would like us to achieve.
My daughter's Growth has led to filling out paperwork for High School already.
The message we had at church Sunday from a guest preacher was about being committed Christians. (Growth).
If this is going to be the theme God has for me (or us) it could be a painful year! Growth is tough and often painful, but typically fulfilling in the end, right?