The Christmas season has been amazing!! Christmas Eve I had to work for a few hours in the morning. Donna, Bailey and Grif, met me at my mom and dad's for lunch!! Honey baked ham sandwiches, is one of the meals that is Christmas for me!! Regular mustard, swiss cheese, on wheat bread, mmmmmmm...., wait I'm getting off track!!! Anyway, we opened presents from my mom and dad after lunch. It was wonderful, but would have been even better had my sister and brother-in-law been able to come, but he was on call at the hospital and they couldn't be here!! BOOOOO.
The Christmas Eve service at the church was an incredible worship experience. I am just in awe of the talent in our praise team and am blessed to be a part of that group!!
Christmas morning we got up at 5:45 to a roomful of gifts from each other and santa!! Christmas is soooo much more fun as a parent, BUT it was a much easier and less tiring day as a kid!! Grif got his first real rifle, and Bailey got her first diamond ring!! A wonderful morning!!
Off to my maternal grandparents for breakfast, then off to my mom's for paternal grandparent side of the family!! I LOVE SEEING FAMILY THAT WE DON'T GET TO SEE NEAR ENOUGH!!
It was a very relaxing rest of the weekend.
Sunday was Gene Lee's last Sunday leading us in worship, and I can't explain how much of an honor and great experience it was in being led by him for the last couple of years!!
The Falcons won Sunday afternoon and for the first time in my life I can say I am a NFL fan, and I think the Falcons have built a foundation to make us good for years to come!!
I had to work yesterday (on my birthday) and today, but Donna and the family are picking me up at 5 and we are heading straight down to Jackson Alabama to have Christmas with her family and celebrate The New Year. We are going to hunt too much, eat too much, play wayyyy to many rounds of Nertz, and have a great time with our family!!
On a side note, my wife made my 37th birthday incredibly special!! I am lucky and blessed to that God made her for me!!
I hope all of you have a healthy and safe New Year. AND I don't mind telling you, GOD IS going to do amazing, eye opening, miracles in 2009!!! Are you ready??
Careful, Child of God
5 years ago