My "biggest" follow up appointment so far was today. I had an echocardiogram and a stress test. The stress test went well. It was good to feel active again, after a month of no running, etc... I made it to level 5 of the test, which was 5miles per hour at a 12 or 14 (I can't remember) degree incline. That got my heart rate upto 175 beats per minute. It felt incredible to have a little sweat rolling down my cheeks!! I know that probably sounds dumb, but IT FELT AWESOME to move again.
Anyway, I will get the results back a week from today, and hopefully the echo will show no permanent damage and that the area of my heart where the attack occured has strengthened back up!! And hopefully the Dr will see that at 175 beats per minute, my heart can take a little physical activity!! I'm not asking him to let me run a marathon tomorrow, but it sure would be nice to jog a mile or two a day to get everything started rehabing..... But he went to school to be a cardiologist and I didn't so I will listen to him. (I put that sentence in for my baby!!).
Doug called me the other day and told me "Phillipians"!!! That's all, just Phillipians. He said he was doing an "obedience" thing and doing what God told him to do!! I was FLOORED!! I love it when God lays something on my heart, that I share with someone and it blesses them!! BUT it doesn't happen to me too often!! So, when Doug told me that, I wanted to see what God was saying!!
Well, If you have studied Phillipians, you know that it is a letter from Paul to the church at Phillipi. Paul wrote it in prison, in chains, STILL praising God and encouraging others while in a personal torment (I would imagine being in prison, like he was is torment!!) Anyway the entire letter is amazing encouragement to the church at Phillipi and to ME (even in 2009, don't try to tell me the Bible is a historical piece of literature not relevant to today's time!!; but I digress...). Paul starts with a prayer that is very special to me, because I prayed using Paul's words at my grandfathers funeral in 2000!! Talk about an attention getter. (I had forgotten that the prayer was in Phillipians!!)
I thank my God in all my remembrance of you. In every prayer with joy I feel for you. I thank my God for your fellowship in the Gospel, from the very first day til now, I thank my God for you. And I am sure that he who began this good work in you will bring it to completion at the day Christ.
Amazing!!! Thank you Doug!! The entire chapter was INCREDIBLE to me!! It encouraged me, convicted me, and spoke to me!! God had something to say, and I listened!! I LOVE that! Thank you Doug!!
The "stimulus" plan congress is getting ready to pass and the President is getting ready to sign is CRAP!! Take it to the bank that we will experience double digit inflation in Obama first term!! I say first term, because I think we may just be at a place in our country where "we" will elect him again!! Anyway, it is CRAP. That's all I have to say about that!!
Careful, Child of God
5 years ago
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