We have planted a garden this year at our house. A little late, but it is in the ground already with good rain and 90+ degree days coming!! WooHoo. Friday is suppose to be AT LEAST 96!! That'll be sticky in Georgia.
11 rows:
Watermelon and cantaloupe
3 rows of okra
2 rows of silver queen corn
2 rows of purple hull peas
butter beans
2 rows with cucumbers, squash, zuccini and bell peppers.
Hopefully it will all produce and we will be eating good!!
I am still exhausted from the weekend!!
Careful, Child of God
5 years ago
We planed a garden last year and this year and learned to never plant cucumber and squash together. Your squash will be ok, but your cucumbers will be really pale and will not have a good flavor. Just a warning from our experience.
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