Isn't searching fun?
Think about it.
When you were young, odds are, that at some point you made or "found" a treasure map and went searching for it.
Hide and go seek is all about searching.
Life is like that too. Everyone is searching for something. Some are searching for a spouse, or the right career, etc....
Most, if not all, at some point will search for the meaning of life. Even an aetheist at some point wonders what the purpose of man's existance.
For the christian, the purpose is to praise God and search or seek a closer relationship with God. You can't do that just by going to church every Sunday. You can't do that just by listening to your pastor or bible study teacher. You really have to formulate opinions on you own. You have to read the Bible regularly and ask God for discernment.
I have a NEW belief. Very new!!
I believe that MOST Christians, believe what they believe, not after careful reading of the scripture, but because a pastor, or bible study teacher told them.
Just because the Southern Baptist Convention or the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship or the Catholic Church, has a particular doctorine, doesn't mean that you should believe that doctorine without discerning what God says about it.
Here is my point; If you lock a brand new Christian in a room for a month with the bible, he will NEVER come out of that room thinking the gifts of the spirit have passed away from man. NEVER. It just isn't in there. Our lack of belief in the gifts of the spirit come from our lack of experiencing said gifts and from abuse of those gifts by persons who have in history wanted to glorify themselves more than glorifying God.
Still searching....
Careful, Child of God
5 years ago
1 comment:
You're on to something my friend...
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