Thursday, April 30, 2009


I have had such trouble writing on here the last few days!! I am as happy as I can ever remember being. I am as close to God as I can ever remember being. I am as healthy as I was in high school. Blah, blah, blah.....
Then yesterday, I come in contact with an atheist. Bam. Brick wall!! Not taking away my happiness, or making me question, but actually putting a burden on me. I can't describe it any better, sorry. Tough situation.
Anyway, Obama's first 100 days, and my government is growing while faith is shrinking. (I don't blame Obama for that!!) I blame us. Christians. If it is hard for people to tell a Christian from the world, what is the attraction? As a matter of fact, it makes Jesus even more of a "turn off" if we are hypocritical!! NO ONE likes a hypocrit.
Softball tonight for the church. 1st tournament this weekend since the heart attack. Hopefully, dinner with friends this weekend. Family time!! Maybe even a date with my wife thrown in there!!

Monday, April 27, 2009

It don't get much better than this!!

You remember that beer commercial line, "it don't get much better than this"? Well, that was my weekend!! Life is incredibly good right now, and I thank God for it.
Friday night we had the spring fling at Grif's school and then Grif had a late baseball game. They did great, and won, and Grif hit an inside the park homerun!!
Saturday, Grif had an early game that they won again!! Grif hit a solid double over the shortstops head!!
I went by to visit with my grandfather and grandmother for a few minutes after the game. I soooo miss spending time with Granddaddy Austin!! One of my hero's in life. I had a great visit, but had to get to the house to work in the yard!! We worked in my yard and Mr Tom's yard for the rest of the afternoon. Bailey asked if she could help, so I put her on the riding mower and gave her the first of many "driving" lessons!! She did wonderful, except for that moment when I was looking at her realizing just how grown up she is getting!!
Saturday night I helped Wendy with a wedding reception at the church. The place was beautiful and we served a meal fit for a king and queen!! A wonderful evening of service and I hope the bride and groom have a wonderful life memory from it!!
Sunday was phenomenal, incredible, inspiring, whatever other awesome adjective you can come up with!!
Shep was out of town, with a very serious business matter, so Andrea taught our Bible Study!! Oh my goodness!!! She was incredible, and spoke with such authority on the subject of your calling!! Using our study in Nehamiah, she spoke of some tough decisions she and Shep are going through in regards to Caroline. Hearing more of their hearts was touching, but the lesson in and of itself was tough. Not "coming down" off you mission, goal, calling, is NOT an easy task. Listening to someone talk to you, while you are hearing a message from God isn't as easy as you would think either. More on that another day!!
Worship time was incredible!! I told Donna later in the day that I could worship standing between Drew Startup and Andrea Helton if we were singing the A,B,C's!! Their voices are so incredible and I love hearing those harmonies blending together!! WOW!! Then Pastor Randall rocked the sermon!! He spoke to men yesterday and didn't mind "getting after it" a little!! It was a tough message to hear, but a great message to recieve!! I want to be more like the husband he was describing!! I hope Donna can bear with me until I get there!!
We left church and went to Fudrucker's with the Englands and Gochees and then onto the Rome Braves game!! Carey had gotten a suite and it was a blast!! The Braves got beat pretty bad but what an incredible day to be at the ballpark with friends!! Grif got the dipping dots (the holy grail to that 8 year old!!) and Bailey played with the little kids like an amazing big sister type!! She is going to make a great baby sitter and eventually a great mother!!
We got home and played outside for a LONG time!! We threw the softball and baseball around. Took some infield. Then played a boys against girls basketball game!!
An amazing weekend of family time and worship time!!
Thank you God for an incredible family and an incredible church family!!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Miss California

Miss California was asked a question about legalizing gay marriage, and gave an honest response that she was taught that marriage was between a man and a woman. She lost the pageant and is now being dragged through the mud. Too funny considering gay supporting liberals are supposedly tollerant?!??! Sure, tollerant until you hold a different opinion from them, then you get called a "dumb bitch" like Miss California!!
Of course if you go to a "tea party" to protest (a fundemental right of Americans) too high of taxes and too high of government spending then, according to Jeanine Garrafelo (sp) you are a racist plain and simple, because you don't want a black man in the white house.
So much for tollerant!!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Getting back to work to rest!!

The weekend was such a blast that I had to get back to work on Monday to rest!!
Friday night we "Loved Loud" at the Woodland baseball game which went until well after 10:30!! We thought we would be home around 8:30!! It was a blast though, because I LOVE baseball and because I realized I had a vested interest in their team when I found out Corey Gochee (I may have just jacked that spelling all up!!) is the head coach of Woodlands baseball team!! He has a talented group of YOUNG players and I can't wait until next year when I go watch them more!!
Saturday Grif had a baseball game. They won and he hit extremely well!! Fun fun. I cooked a good bit on Saturday for a Sunday School Party and it was a BLAST!!!! Craig had fun!! LOL. And of course now, I can name everyone in my S.S. class!!
Craig & Donna Guyton, Shep & Andrea Helton, Jaquelyn & Jody Ray, Corey & Leigh Anne Gochee, Derrick & Deanna Gordy, Scott & Amy Barkley, Jason & Brandi Parker, Billy & Lori Mitchell, Jennifer Collier- Madon, Stephanie Munch, Mande & Jon England, Beth & Micheal Gill, David & I'm sorry I forgot Siejo, Tony & My bad again Martin, Chris & ....Well I thought I could do it!! My bad Andrea, but that is not TOO bad!! I impressed myself.
Sunday was a phenomenal day of worship. Bible study was outstanding to most of the people in the room. lol. Worship was great with a guest speaker who was extremely funny!! We then had a neighborhood fish fry that lasted until about 3pm. The food and fellowship was amazing!! The hushpuppies were the best I had ever eaten!! Then I got home and started dinner. The Lovetts and Hodorffs came over and we had another great evening of conversation and dining!!
Very busy, but very fun weekend!!
I thank my God for great friends to fellowship with, to study the bible with and to worship with!!

Thursday, April 16, 2009


I am looking forward to the next few days!! Tonight I will be playing in my first softball game of the year!! A little nervous and excited!! Hoping my heart doesn't get out of control!! Tomorrow night our family will be handling the concessions for Woodland High Baseball, so that parents can watch their kids play instead of having to work the stand!! Saturday, Grif has a game and our Sunday School class has an evening get together!! I'm excited about cooking a FEW new things for that party!! Sunday morning we will be continuing our study of Nehamiah. (I LOVE old testement studies!!) Sunday at lunch we have a neighborhood fish fry and Sunday at dinner we are getting together with some friends!!
Full and Fun!!
I like days that are planned to the hilt!!

I cannot tell you how much I am thanking God right now!! I feel extremely blessed!!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Get back to it...

There is not much better than vacation!! I LOVE the beach!! I am beginning to think that I could live there.
We had an amazing trip. The weather wasn't great, but the time together with family and friends was phenomenal!! I told Bailey and Griffin last night that I can't remember a better spring break in all my life.
We got home late Saturday and got up to a GORGEOUS day for Easter Sunday!! Almost every Easter Sunday morning, when I step out of my house I hear my Aunt Gayla singing, "Was it a morning like this? When Peter walked out from Jerusalem? To see the Lord, he thought was dead? Did the grass sing? Did the Earth rejoice to feel you again? Over and over like a trumpet underground, did the Earth seem to pound He is RISEN? Over and over in a never ending round, He is RISEN, Hallelujah!!"
Yesterday was no exception!! I wonder if that was how bright the Sun was THAT morning. Wow, what a thought!!
Church was incredible, as was the whole day!!
Don't you just LOVE the spring?

Sunday, April 12, 2009


Happy Easter ALL.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Beach Times

We left on Friday after I got off of work and drove down to Dothan, before stopping to spend the night. We got up earlier than we wanted on Saturday morning, thanks to an 8 year old's excitment!! I won't mention any names (Griffin), so you won't know who I am writing about (grif). But this particular person (Griffin) was "so excited" to get down to the beach that he was "about to die!!" (Griffin).
Anyway, Saturday morning we drove the rest of the way into Destin and got to Silver Shells by 10:30 local time. We changed into our bathing suits and were spending time in the sun before noon!! Sunday was incredible!! Perfect beach day, and we were in the sand all day!! Wonderful!! I have made red beans and rice one night, Jon cooked steaks and baked potatos one night and we had burgers and dogs on the grill tonight!! So far it has been a phenomenal trip!!
Today was cold and tomorrow is supposed to be as well, but still gorgeous and a much needed recharge!! I have also kept up with cardio time, worked out Saturday and Sunday!!
I have even been catching up on my devotion time as well!! I don't know why I feel closer to God at the beach?!?! Maybe, just the vastness of the ocean he created!! Maybe it is thinking about the song by Nicole:
Who taught the sun where to stand in the morning?
Who told the ocean you can only come this far? And to be standing at the exact spot that is this far?!?!? is just incredible to me. Now, as with most devotions, they have been challenging!! One in particular, but that will be another post!!
Anyway, I am loving this vacation!! It is definately much needed!!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Spring Break

Woohoo!! It are hear. The scool brake that let evryone unwinde and quit thunkin fer a few dayz!!
Pretty rough winter around my house, but hopefully things are turning a corner, and this trip will be a great time to unwind and relax!!
I had a rough afternoon, and it was over the dumbest things!! But then after a few minutes of talking to Brent Lovett in the evening, I felt alot better. He didn't even say anything or give advise, so I guess it was just the theraputic part of confessing outloud!! Anyway, I've been doing better, but obviously still have a way to go with this wonderful new temper thing!!
I hope everyone has a safe and wonderful spring break!!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Good Eats, and Good Work outs

I don't know how many of you watch Alton Brown's show, Good Eats, but he could film it from my house right now!! I am learning all I can right now about cooking. I have been called obsessed. LOL. I have always loved cooking, but right now I can't get enough of trying to make healthy meals that taste good. Also making things that aren't healthy and give them to other people!! LOL.
Last night I made cheese straws for the first time!! they turned out good!! Tonight, I am planning on making another batch of cheese straws and a pound cake!! If time, chocolate chip cookies and peanut butter cookies!! Our vacation is going to have good food!! MMMMMMMM.....

Working out is going great!! I am getting stronger daily with cardio!! I am still doing the same amount of time, but I am uping the speed and intensity!! I bought a heart monitor yesterday to be able to keep constant reading as I am working out, so I don't over do it!!

Bailey and Griffin have had their first couple of ball practices!! I havn't gotten to Grif's yet, but Bailey is kicking butt and takin names!! They have her at 2nd base right now, and she is looking very good!! I can't wait to see her playing.

Donna is having a tough year!! Not only did her dumb husband scare the blahblah out of her!! LOL. But, her class is getting ready to take the CRCT test, so it is a nerve racking time of year!! I can't wait till we are on the beach next week, and away from the "worries" of "normal" life!!
I thank God for this incredible woman he made just for me!!