The weekend was such a blast that I had to get back to work on Monday to rest!!
Friday night we "Loved Loud" at the Woodland baseball game which went until well after 10:30!! We thought we would be home around 8:30!! It was a blast though, because I LOVE baseball and because I realized I had a vested interest in their team when I found out Corey Gochee (I may have just jacked that spelling all up!!) is the head coach of Woodlands baseball team!! He has a talented group of YOUNG players and I can't wait until next year when I go watch them more!!
Saturday Grif had a baseball game. They won and he hit extremely well!! Fun fun. I cooked a good bit on Saturday for a Sunday School Party and it was a BLAST!!!! Craig had fun!! LOL. And of course now, I can name everyone in my S.S. class!!
Craig & Donna Guyton, Shep & Andrea Helton, Jaquelyn & Jody Ray, Corey & Leigh Anne Gochee, Derrick & Deanna Gordy, Scott & Amy Barkley, Jason & Brandi Parker, Billy & Lori Mitchell, Jennifer Collier- Madon, Stephanie Munch, Mande & Jon England, Beth & Micheal Gill, David & I'm sorry I forgot Siejo, Tony & My bad again Martin, Chris & ....Well I thought I could do it!! My bad Andrea, but that is not TOO bad!! I impressed myself.
Sunday was a phenomenal day of worship. Bible study was outstanding to most of the people in the room. lol. Worship was great with a guest speaker who was extremely funny!! We then had a neighborhood fish fry that lasted until about 3pm. The food and fellowship was amazing!! The hushpuppies were the best I had ever eaten!! Then I got home and started dinner. The Lovetts and Hodorffs came over and we had another great evening of conversation and dining!!
Very busy, but very fun weekend!!
I thank my God for great friends to fellowship with, to study the bible with and to worship with!!
Careful, Child of God
5 years ago
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