We had a great weekend of celebration with Donna's side of the family!! How great it is when God brings two people together, that just seem made for each other. John and Sarah's wedding was wonderful. Everything about it was beautiful. We took our time getting there on Friday and arrived in Cullman, AL around 2 local time. We checked into the hotel and ran out to get Griffin some new navy slacks, he went off and outgrew the old ones!! (Isn't that just like a kid??) We then went to "downtown" Cullman. Now, if you have never been to Cullman, AL let me set the scene for you!! Imagine downtown Cartersville square that has been restored with all the new shops and such and then multiply that by 4 or 5 streets. 1st Ave, 2nd Ave, 3rd Ave and so on all with beautifully restored buildings with quaint little shops, deli/coffee, jewelry and so forth. We went downtown to see Sarah's mother shop. She owns a very cute place called "Monograms". It might be on the internet if you care to google it, anyway it is similar to Rush Home, but more items that can be monogrammed, obviously!! LOL. Also a big selection of the "Wedgewick" candle and smelling good items!! A large selection of sometype of charm bracelets that Bailey likes? Sorry, forgot the name. And then a large notecard area with cute return address stamps and all like you would find at "Write on Main". A lot of ladies I know could spend HOURS in there, thats why I took so long with the description!!
Anyway, the rehearsal dinner later on Friday was wonderful food, funny stories, and a few tears by some people (no names mentioned). Desert might have been a piece of pecan pie, but I can't remember because I'm not allowed to like desert anymore!!
The brunch Saturday morning for us "out-o-towners" was delicious!! (Have you ever heard of a french toast casserole, mmmmmmm, well it would be mmmmmm, if I liked that sort of thing!! LOL) The wedding went off perfect. A gorgeous OLD, OLD, Methodist Church downtown, with I don't know how many thousands of dollars of woodwork!! Amazingly beautiful as was the bride and groom. The reception was wonderful with dancing, great food, and bad, bad cake (wink). The groom's cake was yellow layers chocolate icing!! The bride's cake had one layer white on white then another layer of white on chocolate then another.... nevermind, I don't really remember either cake!!
Sunday coming back we took our time and didn't get home until almost, 4!! We missed being at church!!
Rehab went well Monday and I am on my own for the rest of the week's workouts. I was at L.A. Fitness by the office this morning with all the early birds. It's hard with my "manly ego" to get on a treadmill and walk the correct speed to get my heartrate to the correct level, when everyone around you is running and such. But, I MUST take it slow, and listen to the guy that went to school to learn about my heart!! I have set some goals for myself for the rest of the year. Before basketball season last year I had gotten up around 230!! WOW. During basketball and softball seasons last year I had lost about 10 pounds, which is about where I was when I had the heart attack, 220.
So, with that in mind,
1. Be able to run 3 miles in 30 minutes, with my heartrate not getting above 110. (that's gonna be tough, but most goals are, I guess)
2. 190 pounds. Not for dieting purposes or vain purposes, but because it WILL be a healthier wieght for my heart. (Might adjust this even lower, if it goes well)
3. Influence 1 person to stop smoking. (I don't know who yet)
4. Be open ALWAYS for God to use me.
5. Play a HIGH level of softball!!
6. Hold my temper. (One of the changes in me that is not cool at all, either from the medication or the psychological side effects, has been a VERY short fuse!! I don't like this, because I am constantly calling other drivers, morons or idiots (and they maybe, but it isn't my place to judge that!!). I also hurt Donna by snapping at her, or the well timed sigh. It is just stupid and it is not who I am as a person and definately not as a husband and a father!! I would rather hurt myself than cause emotional pain to my wife or children. So, I will be watching my new temper!!)
7. Become closer to God. ( I am going through a daily devotional, which is something I have never done, in an attempt to be in The Word more, if not constantly!!)
That is all I have time for today. Oh wait goal 8. update my blog more frequently, so I don't have to write a book everytime I get on here!! Haha.
Sorry for being so verbose.
Careful, Child of God
5 years ago
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